Company : Infrabel

Contact :

 Juny Op de Beeck
 juny.opdebeeck at infrabel.be

Company’s website : www.infrabel.be

Level crossings’ website : www.infrabel.be/en/about/safety

National campaign website : www.infrabel.be/fr/actualites/campagnes

Youtube : www.youtube.com/c/Infrabel

Facebook : www.facebook.com/Infrabel

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Infrabel

Contacts at Press/Communication:

Op de Beeck Juny / 0032 490 65 32 32 / juny.opdebeeck at infrabel.be

De Keyser Annelies / 0032 499 80 30 97 / annelies.dekeyser at infrabel.be

De Petter Farah / 0032 491 72 47 43 / farah.depetter at infrabel.be

Reymann Arnaud (spokesperson) / 0032 499 59 03 55 / arnaud.reymann at infrabel.be

Awareness measures :

  • Use of ILCAD press release
  • Use of ILCAD video on our webpage, Facebook and LinkedIn

Use of virtual reality to aware young level crossing users

Crash simulation of a car hit by a train on a level crossing: https://www.rtbf.be/info/societe/detail_une-collision-entre-un-train-et-une-voiture-tue-trois-mannequins-pour-un-crashtest?id=9942853

The whole campaign https://www.infrabel.be/fr/crashtest
Press release: https://www.infrabel.be/fr/presse/pere-ses-2-enfants-decedes-leur-vehicule-lors-collision-a-passage-a-niveau

Statistics 2018


 Facebook: www.facebook.com/spoorveiligheid & www.facebook.com/securiteferroviaire

o FR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vATNTMlJAGk
o NL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2h5dRWxsE

on level crossing safety on Infrabel website
