 Operation Lifesaver Canada, Opération Gareautrain

 Mike Regimbal
 National Director (Interim)
 Tel: (613) 564-8094
 miker at railcan.ca

 Doug Lacombe, OLCommunication: doug at communicatto.com

 Kelly Ferrier, OLCommunication kelly at communicatto.com
 Rail Canada


Total number of LX in 2007:
Total number of LX in 2008:
Total number of LX in 2009: 40 000
Total number of LX in 2010: 37 000
Total number of LX in 2011: 37000

Accidents in 2007: 221
Accidents in 2008: 222
Accidents in 2009: 186
Accidents in 2010: 180
Accidents in 2011: 169

Since the creation in 1980: -79% fewer collisions

Fatalities in 2007: 26
Fatalities in 2008: 26
Fatalities in 2009: 19
Fatalities in 2010: 24
Fatalities in 2011: 25

Awareness measures
As in years past, OL Canada would like to support ILCAD with some publicity. This year it coincides with two of our initiatives. First, it lands at the end of our Public Rail Safety Week. Second, our annual report is in production and is expected to come out around the same time.

Use of ILCAD posters in English and French

Use ILCAD materials to add an advert to the annual report and also to do a blog post (Facebook and Twitter).

 Transport canada
 Canadian Railroads Police

