Company : FTIA ( Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency)

Contact : Jarmo Koistinen

Contacts at Press/Communication :
1. Kaisa-Elina Porras
2. Niko Hyppönen

Statistics 2020 :


 Total number of LC in 2016 : 2778
 Total number of LC in 2017 : 2748
 Total number of LC in 2018 : 2723
 Total number of LC in 2019 : 2697
 Total number of LC in 2020 : 2594

 Total number of accidents in 2016 : 30
 Total number of accidents in 2017 : 26
 Total number of accidents in 2018 : 27
 Total number of accidents in 2019 : 27
 Total number of accidents in 2020 : 26

 Total number of fatalities in 2016 : 6
 Total number of fatalities in 2017 : 7
 Total number of fatalities in 2018 : 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2019 : 2
 Total number of fatalities in 2020 : 3

 Total length of lines (km) : 5 918
 Total number of train km/year (millions) : 47.5 km/year

Awareness measures

  • Press release and radio campaign and social media information (Instagram and Twittter)
  • All the previous years I and my predecessors have informed you about the total number of LC’s at State owned rail network but accidents includ state owned rail network and private lines. FTA should be FTIA