 Company’s name : Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail
 Cathal Mangan
 E-mail address : cathal.mangan at irishrail.ie
 Telephone number : + 35317031734

-Contact names and coordinates (tel, email address) of the Press/Communication person(s) in my company :
 Barry Kenny
 barry.kenny at irishrail.ie
 Address of company’s website : http://www.irishrail.ie

  • Total number of LX in 2007: 1126
  • Total number of LX in 2008: 1095
  • Total number of LX in 2009: 1069
  • Total number of LC in 2010 : 1050
  • Total number of LC in 2011 : 1018
  • Total number of LC in 2012 : 1040
  • Total number of LC in 2013 : 1011
  • Total number of accidents in 2007: 7
  • Total number of accidents in 2008: 5
  • Total number of accidents in 2009: 0
  • Total number of accidents in 2010 : 4
  • Total number of accidents in 2011 : 1
  • Total number of accidents in 2012 : 2
  • Total number of accidents in 2013 : 1
  • Total number of fatalities in 2007: 1
  • Total number of fatalities in 2008: 1
  • Total number of fatalities in 2009: 0
  • Total number of fatalities in 2010 : 2
  • Total number of fatalities in 2011 : 0
  • Total number of fatalities in 2012 : 0
  • Total number of fatalities in 2013 : 0

 Total length of lines (km) : 1683

 Total number of train km/year (thousands) : 18270

List of partners involved in our 2014 campaign :
 Railway Safety Commission
 Road Safety Authority

List of awareness measures foreseen in our country on 3 June 2014 :
 Radio advertising campaign
 Presence at high risk crossings
 Media event
 Use of the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport
 Use of ILCAD 2014 posters
 Participation in the ILCAD international press conference and round table on 3 June 2014